Who We Are

ARCHI-SPACE was founded by the consultant Engineer/ Mahmoud Rashad in early 2018 after returning from Saudi Arabia where he has worked for 17 years in several of global consultant offices as a Design Department Director. ARCHI-SPACE has set up an ambition to achieve an architectural and engineering fingerprint in all of its designs and works .  in order to achieve the desired goals, a group of engineering , technical and ethical values are adopted to assure that all customers will getting a product managed in all its phases to achieve the highest quality according to the international code and standards.


Apply the latest architectural, urban and engineering theories in designing all projects divisions. moreover, a project management methodology(PMP) will be applied to achieve our customers' goals and ambitions in getting best quality, timely and cost-effective projects. the mission.


ARCHI-SPACE will adopt a set of strategies that ensure using our wide expertise to create a concrete reality of architectural works and distinct architectural spaces.